Our teacher said we had to do something to surprise her, a special work using some of the programes we learnt to use. The topic was free to choose and we decided to do a work about TV.

We have done a mindmap with the channels we like most, including some programmes and series from each one. The programmes that appear here are in our opinion the funniest, the most interesting, the most viewed... We chose four Spanish channels: Antena 3, Cuantro, Telecinco and LaSexta. Moreover, we put three programes we like in each of them. To do this mindmap we used the programe Mind42, that we learnt to use few weeks ago.

Besides, we have done a digital poster where the programmes and series, that from our point of view, are the best of the night appear. The days that appear in this poster are from Monday to Friday. We have included in what channel you can watch those programmes and a little summary. The programmes that we chose are very different, some are humor programes and we also included various series like police series or doctors series. Some of them are of American Production, others are Spanish and also we add Basque programmes. To do this work we used glogster, a programme to do digital posters.
Finally, we have prepared a matching quiz. What you have to do is match the presenter with the program that he or she presents. We have used the programme Hot Potatoes to do this activity. With this programme you have the posibility to do a lot of things like a quiz, a cloze, a crosse and a matching exercise. The last posibility is the one we have done and you can try to do it by
clicking here.

Doing this work we have realized how big television´s influence is in our life We usually start watching television when we are just children, so we waste too much time watching television in our life. The television is a perfect instrument to influence people's mind and this "power" of influence is used in news, advertisements etc. by politicians, sellers...
From our point of view, we have to use the time we waste watching television to do other things such as to read, play an instrument, practice any sport, meet with friends... So you know, control the time you waste watching TV!!
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