The last work we did in Icts was about music. We had to choose a song of a group that sings in English. The group that we chose was the American Ska group Reel Big Fish and our favourite song was Beer, so we did the work with this song. Later, we started subtitling. First, we subtitled the song in English using a program called dotSUB. Finally we translated it into Basque and Spanish.
We did not know this program and we think that dotSUB is a very practical programe to subtitle songs. It is perfect because it is easy and simple to use. In our opinion, it is very useful to translate videos, songs...
The principal reason to choose this song was we liked this type of music: Ska. Also, the videoclip is very funny and from our point of view this is one of the best songs of this spectacular group.
They have brought out seven albums, the last one called Fame, Fortune and Fornication was released in 2009. If you want to know more about this group go to Reel Big Fish's official webpage:
Very funny the video!!!